Ok... so I tried to go vegan and it lasted a while... but I gave in to temptation!! So I have decided to take on a new approach. I buy vegan and eat vegan when I can, but I don't stress about it. Like I said before, I am not a huge consumer of dairy anyway, so I do what I can. Besides, I think I got side tracked from the whole vegan thing by MONSANTO!!! I read about them constantly and I have decided that the most important and environmentally conscious way to be is ORGANIC! If you don't know who/what Monsanto is, it is a biochemical company responsible for agent orange, bovine growth hormones, and most importantly GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms), among other things. The more I read about them... the more my blood pressure increases!! They genetically modify and patent seeds so farmers have to buy from them, and then use their chemicals and they are not allowed to save seeds at the end of the season or they will be sued!! There is so much info about them out there... please educate yourself!! Like the page "Occupy Monsanto" on facebook, watch the documentary Food Inc which briefly mentions them or even better, watch "The World According to Monsanto" which you can download for free. There is so much to be said about them that my blog isn't nearly long enough, but I can sum it up for you in one picture:
Ok... onto something more happy... I just started my masters degree in Environmental Sustainability!!! Yeah!! I couldn't be more excited!! It is going to be an awesome 2 years!! I promise to try to write more, so for those of you who do read this... thanks!!