Sunday, September 9, 2012

A New Approach

Ok... so I tried to go vegan and it lasted a while... but I gave in to temptation!! So I have decided to take on a new approach. I buy vegan and eat vegan when I can, but I don't stress about it. Like I said before, I am not a huge consumer of dairy anyway, so I do what I can. Besides, I think I got side tracked from the whole vegan thing by MONSANTO!!! I read about them constantly and I have decided that the most important and environmentally conscious way to be is ORGANIC! If you don't know who/what Monsanto is, it is a biochemical company responsible for agent orange, bovine growth hormones, and most importantly GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms), among other things. The more I read about them... the more my blood pressure increases!! They genetically modify and patent seeds so farmers have to buy from them, and then use their chemicals and they are not allowed to save seeds at the end of the season or they will be sued!! There is so much info about them out there... please educate yourself!! Like the page "Occupy Monsanto" on facebook, watch the documentary Food Inc which briefly mentions them or even better, watch "The World According to Monsanto" which you can download for free. There is so much to be said about them that my blog isn't nearly long enough, but I can sum it up for you in one picture:

Ok... onto something more happy... I just started my masters degree in Environmental Sustainability!!! Yeah!! I couldn't be more excited!! It is going to be an awesome 2 years!! I promise to try to write more, so for those of you who do read this... thanks!!

Friday, May 11, 2012

A healthier way of life

Today is 1 month since I decided to go from vegetarian to vegan and I couldn't be happier with my decision. You may wonder what being vegan has to do with being "green", and since you are wondering, I'll be glad to tell you. Meat and dairy production is the largest producer of greenhouse gases, namely methane. When cows pass gas, they are releasing methane into the environment, and with the obscene number of cows raised for meat and dairy, that's a lot of methane. Also the waste from the meat and dairy industry pollutes water ways. The Amazon Rainforest has been devastated from cutting down countless tress to plant corn to feed the cows. There are countless ways why being vegan is better for the environment and if it is something that interests you, you should really look more into it by ready any of John Robbins' books, visiting or, or going to you tube and looking up factory farm videos. Education is the key to survival of our species and too many people are all to comfortable in their lifestyles to think that they might need to change.
I pretended for far too long that eating dairy was okay as long as I didn't eat meat, but the reality of that just isn't true and the documentary Forks Over Knives was the wake-up call that I needed. Now there are many ways you can be a vegan, not all of which are healthy. To truly be healthy and step lightly on the Earth, you need to adopt a plant strong diet. Well isn't that what being vegan is??? Not exactly. Being vegan means that you avoid all animal products meat, dairy, eggs and even honey. With that in mind... potato chips and soda would technically be considered vegan.. but while potato chips and soda don't cause animal suffering, they are going to cause human suffering because they are incredibly unhealthy! A healthy plant strong diet is one that avoids excess sugars and processed foods and relies on fruits, vegetables and whole grain, preferably organic and locally grown.
That is what I have been doing for the last month. I gave up all dairy and eggs, my Snapple or 2 a day habit, my Starbucks iced Caramel Macchiato, in place of lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, grains and the occasional Toffuti Cutie for dessert. I definitely feel better in soooo many ways. My biggest joy is that the skin on my face is so much clearer than it has been in a looong time. I have lost weight and have more energy and ambition to exercise. I generally feel better mentally and I know that my new choices are better for my health, my daughter's health (she is trying very hard to be vegan as well and doing very well, with the exception of a little cheese here and there) as well as for the environment. I'm not going to say that everyone should try to do this overnight... I have been vegan at other times in my life, so for me the change was not all that difficult as I was not a huge consumer of dairy to begin with. My suggestion to everyone is to educate yourselves. Watch Forks Over Knives, read some books on the subject, and try to make healthier choices one meal at a time. If you really want to try a vegan lifestyle, tell yourself that you're only going to do it for a month and then see how you feel after that time and if you want to continue. You must remember that making this switch is not just about taking things out of your diet, it is about adding in healthy alternatives. Find a good vegan cookbook and try out some new recipes. Wander around your local farmers market and see what new things you can find. I can promise that if you do make the switch you will be happier and healthier and your body and the Earth will thank you!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Something new to get my adrenaline going!!

So, I have mentioned before how recycling is a last ditch effort to try to do something with all the plastic that we are inundated with... but what I found out today has my stomach in knots! Basically everything you buy at the store comes in plastic and if you are like me and you have to buy something like shampoo or yogurt... etc... you just figure you'll recycle the containers when you are done.
For a few years I have been taking all the caps off shampoo and anything else with a hard plastic cap and dropping them off at my local Aveda store. I do this because those hard plastic caps are not recycled by your local recycling company because it is expensive and difficult to do so, however, Aveda does recycle the caps into new shampoo bottles.
Well, I called my local town recycling's hot line today and asked them what #'s of plastic they recycle... 1 and 2 ONLY!!! Guess what # the majority of plastic containers are... #5!!!!! I am beside myself!! All that plastic I have been throwing into the recycle bucket hasn't even been getting recycled!!!
Thankfully, there is a solution, if you don't mind driving around with your garbage. I found a company called Preserve and they have a program called "Gimme 5". They have drop off locations for your #5 plastics that they will recycle and turn into toothbrushes and other products. I am excited that the Whole Foods Market near me is one of their drop off spots. Check out for more info about their company. Oh and the best part is that they take Brita filters too!!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

What can I say about dirt?

Oh how I love thee... let me count the ways... no seriously, I really do love dirt! I love getting my hands in the dirt and planting tiny seeds and watching them grow into amazing plants that in return give me healthy fresh veggies to eat. Well today I gave my garden a present... compost! I bought a composter 2 years ago and started throwing leaves, twigs, egg shells and fruit and veggie skins into it and viola... 2 years later I have some fresh, nutrient rich soil to add to my garden!
 I find the concept of decomposition totally amazing and totally worth doing. The composter I have is made out of plastic... gasp! Yes I know, plastic is evil! Anyway, it is a big black drum that has a handle on the side to make it easy to turn. Unfortunately, plastic being what it is, the handle dried out from the elements and just broke on me! I can still turn it without the handle, but I will be contacting the mfr for a replacement. So if you are ever wondering what to do with all your fruit and veggie skins... go out and get yourself a composter... your garden will thank you!